Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Innovation

Innovation means new discipline of understand and application of methods from several different areas. There are many condition such as knowledge and attitudes that have direct impact on building innovation competencies. Innovation means create new things, ideas or ways of doing. Innovation is a process which an idea or invention is translated into a service and making improvement by using existing ideas and create something new.

Innovation founds in products, methods, how people find new ways of doing things that have been existed or may not have been existed. When an individual comes up with an idea which has not been explored yet, it is the biggest innovation on earth. Innovation might be something that is improved from previous findings and existence but the greatest innovation is Gutenberg Press which is what we call now as "Printer".

Key elements for an efficient innovation program of study are:

  • Critical Discussion (condition) - Learn through criticism,  from others,  and also self-criticism.  This can be done through teamwork activities and presentation where critical debate is encouraged.
  • Strategic Focus (knowledge) – Planning the designing process;  planning the activities through several class exercise involving game and student competition; and developed through researchanalytical and creative activities that reflect a general process of innovation.
  • Dependence on Methods (knowledge attitude) – Trust in their methods and technique.  Therefore,  the innovative program should focus in research,  analysis and synthesis.
  • Human-Centered  Approached (knowledge + attitude) – Success in their innovation is directly associated with the value it brings for people’ lives.  Therefore,  a successful program of study should include technique for accessing people’ needs
New sciences have also contributed to technology as in the theoretical preparation for the invention of the steam engine. In the 20th century itself, innovations in semiconductor technology increased the performance and decreased the cost of electronic materials and the devices by factor of a million which is an achievement unparalleled in the history of any technology.

In conclusion, innovation is creating new ideas and ways by developing and improving existing ideas into something different and with new perspective. The new ways of producing it can be existed or even haven't been exist before. 

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